Kent Advice Hub

Citizens Advice in North & West Kent
Our Local Impact

Our Local Impact

We answered 8,900 calls through our free Adviceline and video advice in 2023/24 and supported 20,315 people with tailored advice on over 39,000 issues.

We find that clients’ cases are increasingly complex, with people seeking our support for multiple issues that have built up to create the difficulties they are facing, however broadly this includes:

  • 50% of people were assisted with issues related to benefits and tax credits. For many this included checking that they were receiving all the benefits they were entitled to (income maximisation), whilst for others we supported them to apply for benefits and to appeal decisions.
  • 27% of people were helped with housing issues.
  • 27% of clients were supported with debt issues.

Owing to the nature of our work we do not always know the outcomes of our advice, because once problems are resolved, clients tend to move on quickly.  However, of those clients who have kept in contact, our advice and support resulted in over £2,900,000 in financial outcomes and many more positive results for clients’ housing, health and wellbeing, life prospects etc.

Whilst open and accessible to all, we target our services to the most vulnerable people in our community, including those on low incomes, people with disabilities and long-term health conditions, older people, and those who are socially excluded for many reasons.  During this period, notable indicators of the profile of our clients include:

  • 63% were female.
  • 59% were disabled or had a long-term health condition, including mental health issues.
  • 85% were of working age.

Our Local Impact

£2,900,000 increase in household income

We increased household income by £2.9 million pounds in 2023/24.  That’s money that goes back into the local community.

20,315 people helped through our Adviceline

We answered 8,900 calls in 2023/24, providing high-quality advice and information on 39,000 issues, just when people needed us.


Information updated: January 2025